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Three steps to happy and healthy

Did you know that by paying close attention to what your children eat, you could improve their mood (happier child), behaviour (happier parent), memory (ability to learn and develop) and attention span (ability to learn, concentrate and play/partake in activities for longer lengths of time). There's a clear relationship between food and your state of mind and when you combine strategies for eating the right foods that have a positive effect on your child’s well-being, you can plan meals and snacks that can help your child to feel better but also make parenting A LOT easier for you too. In recent years, researchers have come to understand the link between child behaviour and food. This has been a particular area of interest in understanding the developmental effects on children with or predisposed to conditions like ADHD or autism but also how food can give children ADHD like symptoms.

Studies come to very similar conclusions – that there are correlations between dietary changes to health & behavioural impact in children. Certain foods can act as triggers that can alter or impact children’s health. So, what does food and behavior research tell us about an optimum diet for children? Our article discusses various foods and ingredients to either avoid or consume in moderation, as well as provides recommendations on what to feed children to promote their optimal health and well-being while also simplifying your daily routines significantly.

I’m a full time working mum from home myself with two children ages 4 and 5 and my days have completely transformed when implimenting these 3 steps I cover into our family life. Not only are my children easier to parent at home but it has improved our days out too, meaning more successful happy trips over those why did I even bother ones! Don’t get me wrong children will be children and they have bad days and times where they find it hard to regulate emotions but by making these changes, implementing this routine and removing/moderating this list of ingredients widely used in foods you’ll have drastic improvements. I found my daughter was especially sensitive to ingredients in foods and our days are transformed by simply working out the problem and making changes through her diet. It’s a win win situation as mentally you are helping your child be happier whilst being healthier.

At the end of this article we challenge you to take part in our three step, 2 week challenge and share your great results with us, because we confident you will have them!

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