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How meal clean up can effect eating

Have you ever considered that the way you clean up after meals can impact the meal itself? It's quite fascinating! The human brain is naturally inclined to identify patterns—predictable sequences that are present in various aspects of life. From a young age, infants can recognize basic patterns such as "A, then B": "First I cry, then someone comforts me." As they grow older, they become more aware of the patterns in daily routines. This is particularly relevant during mealtimes. The manner in which you tidy up after a meal and where you do it can influence your child's willingness to try different foods, explore, engage, and have the sensory experiences crucial during meals. This article elaborates on how this phenomenon occurs with children and provides recommendations on what to do about it. Being aware of this during the early stages of weaning can significantly enhance the variety of foods your child consumes and prevent aversions to textures, smells, and tastes.

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