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Baby wipes to avoid

Behold the almighty baby wipe! Can you imagine the chaos without these magical sheets? Our adorable little monsters are constantly getting into sticky situations - from messy bums to gooey hands, runny noses, and food fiascos. So, we've been on the hunt to make shopping for wipes that little bit easier for you! Many wipes available on supermarket shelves are formulated with chemicals that can be harmful, particularly a specific ingredient that, if left on the skin without rinsing, may lead to issues such as developmental toxicity. Like WHAT! Numerous baby wipes available in the market meet the necessary standards for safety and quality. However, it is advisable to exercise caution when selecting from a comprehensive range of popular brands stocked in stores like Boots, Aldi, Waitrose, Asda, Morrisons, Tesco, and others. Surprisingly, certain products labeled as "sensitive" or "fragrance-free" may not offer the expected level of gentleness despite their marketing claims.

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